Quantum Cybersecurity Blog | QuintessenceLabs

More Great Resources on vSphere Encryption - QuintessenceLabs

Written by QuintessenceLabs | October 15, 2018

Over the past couple of months, you may have seen some of our social media posts on the importance of encrypting virtual machines, specifically within the VMware vSphere platform. Since version 6.5, vSphere includes encryption capabilities and embeds QuintessenceLabs’ own KMIP client (qClient) technology, and which seamlessly integrates with our VMware Ready certified qCrypt key and policy manager. vSphere and QuintessenceLabs solutions work together to make it easy to implement encryption key management, strengthening the defenses of VMs that may contain sensitive data, whether they’re still in use or not.

Following on from our earlier blog, here are two new pieces of content about vSphere encryption that we recently published and would like to highlight for anyone who missed them or wants an easy point of reference:

Webinar: “Unlocking Key Management for vSphere Encryption”

Our Chief Technology Officer John Leiseboer and Sales VP Skip Norton describe the importance of encrypting VMs, what’s needed to leverage encryption via a key management system, what to look for in a key manager, and some additional basics on how a key management system works with vSphere. Fun Fact: this was our first webinar but not our last, so stay tuned for more on the other important parts of our business. Meanwhile, you can watch the webinar recording here.

Solution Guide: “Purpose-Built Key Management for VMware vSphere”

“Maintaining control of encryption keys for [a] vSphere deployment doesn’t have to be a headache.” This paper gives a summary of QuintessenceLabs’ work in key management technology, including our vSphere client technology and our qCrypt key management platform, and how they can work together. A handy companion to the webinar presentation.

Look Forward to More

As mentioned, we’ll have more webinars and informative papers on additional topics related to QuintessenceLabs solutions. Make sure you don’t miss a thing by following us on Twitter and LinkedIn!