Quantum Cybersecurity Blog | QuintessenceLabs

More Than Quantum – The Age of GDPR - QuintessenceLabs

Written by QuintessenceLabs | June 5, 2018

May 25 saw the EU’s new GDPR laws finally come into force. Our industry has been building up to this for some time, and despite the new laws from Europe, they’ll have repercussions for tech firms across the globe. And if you’ve spent the last few weeks wading your way through an inbox of emails asking for permission to keep in touch, here’s all things quantum you might have missed …

Preparing for Quantum Computing

Speaking to Computer Weekly, a top European chief information security officer is urging the security community to prepare for quantum computing, with quantum Key Distribution (QKD) highlighted as a key way of preserving the integrity and confidentiality of data.

Via Computer Weekly


Quantum Physics and Blockchain – A Marriage Made in Heaven?

A new study from the University of Wellington in New Zealand has proposed a new conceptual design for quantum blockchain. QKD is mentioned as potentially holding the answers to guaranteed secure communication through blockchain.

Story and image via BTC Manager 


(Don’t) Party Like It’s 1999

Not to worry you, but a recent article from Forbes recently stated that quantum computing will have a bigger impact than Y2K. Although the “Millennium Bug” had very little impact, it’s thought that $100 billion was spent in the US between 1996 and 2001 in preparation.

Via Forbes


Quantum Computing Cloud Service

Speaking of preparation, the age of mainstream quantum computing may be several years away, but Fujitsu has already launched a quantum computing cloud service. Currently it’s only available in Japan, but there are plans to expand to North America, Europe and elsewhere in Asia during FY18. Don’t be surprised if more similar services begin to appear in the near future. And of course, at QuintessenceLabs, we’re already making cybersecurity solutions for the quantum age.

Story and image via Top 500


Time Crystals Could be the Key

The Next Web has reported on research from Aalto University in Finland which indicates that “time crystals” may hold the key to creating a quantum computer than doesn’t require near perfect-zero temperatures to operate.

Via The Next Web


GDPR: The End of the Beginning

And if you still don’t quite have your head around GDPR, here’s a quick primer from CSO.