Quantum Cybersecurity Blog | QuintessenceLabs

More Than Quantum – Summer Holiday Edition - QuintessenceLabs

Written by QuintessenceLabs | July 3, 2018

For many of us, the summer is finally here. In our Australian heartland, however, winter is in full swing. Either way, whether you are sitting by the pool or gathered round a roaring fire, here are some of the latest quantum stories to catch up on.


Quantum Goes to Washington

California senator Kamala Harris introduced a bill to Congress to establish a Department of Defense Quantum Computing Research Consortium, which would make grants and coordinate the research efforts of academia, government and business.

Via Times of San Diego


But Some Things to Keep in Mind…

Though Martin Gilles of Technology Review welcomes the legislation, he believes America needs to avoid five big mistakes if it is to be a leader in quantum computing.

Via Technology Review


When This Baby Hits 88 Miles Per Hour…

A team of physicists from Australia and Switzerland have created a new device based on Back to the Future‘s flux capacitor, which could have big implications for the feasibility of quantum computing.

Via Outer Places


Quantum in the Driver’s Seat

Engineers at Volkswagen have started using a quantum computer to simulate the chemical structures used in high-performance batteries.

Via Auto Blog


Spy in the Sky

Lawmakers are nervous about cellphone spying, but no one knows quite what to do about it.

Via the Washington Post


And the Winner is…

In case you missed the news last month, we were named a Technology Pioneer by the World Economic Forum. This is an extremely prestigious honor that recognizes our efforts in securing the sensitive data both now and in the future. Read more about our win and more about some of our fellow winners.